A Christmas Carol is a comedic adaptation of Charles Dickens’ beloved tale. In this short version, the visiting ghosts are rather unusual. The host of Christmas Past is Belle, Scrooge’s former fiancé–awkward! The Ghost of Christmas Present is, well, a present, and The Ghost of Christmas Future is a rapper and wannabe comedian. Despite their quirkiness, will the ghosts be able to help Scrooge snap out of his need for greed? They’ll have to tug on his heartstrings and purse strings to instill the Christmas spirit into the old miser! This class is a part of our Winter camps and introduces the learner to the world of dramatic arts. We will play games, perform vocal and body warm-ups, and learn how to act with emotion using our bodies and facial expressions. Learning goals include vocal projection, using facial expressions and body movements to portray emotions, reading aloud with confidence, characterization, and social skills. This class will end with a production.